Revoc4Life – deep analysis

BCN Tanneries actively participates in the ReVoc4LIFE research project for the construction of a pilot plant to be included in the company, which will allow it to reach a new milestone in reducing environmental impacts for a green economy.

BCN’s intent is not only to reduce VOC and PM10 emissions into the atmosphere, but also intends to carry out its circular economy projects.

The filtering system is located between the spray booth and the emission pipe, for which all the chemicals used in the spray booth, i.e. the machinery in which the color is transferred to the skin, together with other products that provide the characteristics ordered by the customer (mechanical, tactile, aesthetic characteristics), will be demolished and no longer partially emitted into the atmosphere.
Among these we can also include solvents, which are necessary to convey certain mixtures of products to be applied on leathers.

The filtering system makes use of a granular compound obtained from the purification sludge coming from the wastewater treatment of the tanning district, thus creating a circular economy, since a suitably treated waste is used as filter material

Given BCN’s goal, which as we have just said is to fully realize a production centered on the circular economy, it was also thought to recover the solvents in the filtering system and reuse them for washing the machinery itself in the tannery.

The further step forward is to also limit the waste of the vehicle that transports the chemicals dispersed in aerosols: water.
The new system plans to always recycle the same water, recovering it from the dirty spray booth to reintroduce it clean.

Therefore, the redesign of the plant aims, firstly, at the drastic reduction of dust emissions into the atmosphere and, secondly, at optimizing the circularity system in the management of finishing discharges.